Half A Heart


Behind The Scenes Of The Video Shoot

Entrance Stairs
The main corridor of columns
in which the majority of
filming took place.

Wednesday, 12th of June. It was a fine and sunny day in the city of London, and we, your intrepid H & Claire reporters were ready to track down the hottest news story of all. H & Claire had apparently set out early that morning to get ready to film the video for their second single that, at the time was a tightly guarded secret.
Entrance Stairs
Were the columns real
metal? Nah!
We were fortunate enough to be able to attend the shoot to get all of the behind the scenes gossip for the readers of this site. That means you, you lucky people!

After getting lost on the way (it always happens!) we finally made it to the studios deep in (half) the heart of the city. We were greeted with the stunning set upon entering the building.
Entrance Stairs
Would you believe this
was used to replace
light bulbs? No,
we didn't either.
It all looked very sophisticated with a large rectangular silver structure making up the main piece of the set gleaming from the center of the studio. Columns could be shifted around to provide new areas for the video. There were large abstract objects littering the floors which would all later become part of the set. It was very obscure, and incredibly difficult to figure out exactly how it was all going to work! There's something very interesting going on in the head of the individual that thought this one up.

Entrance Stairs
Now you know Claire's secret. H
equipped with a paint brush.
Hang on... someone stop him!
We managed to have a good nose around to get some close ups of the detail that had gone into the set pieces. Then, heading up stairs to the dressing rooms, we were very quickly met by an excited H bursting out of a door after filming a number of small video sequences for various TV programs.
Dancer in hair care.
Even the dancers
get pampered.
After a quick chat we caught sight of Claire in her dressing room having the finishing touches done to her hair; beautifully braided. Neither were in costume yet, despite the fact they were due on set in a few minutes!

It was hair stylist Jenny's birthday on the day and as you can see from the
Happy birthday Jenny!
"You aim it like this", H demonstrates
the surprise birthday cake in the face
pictures there were large balloons filling the room. Everyone was busy chatting away having a good time when the call for H to be on set came from the director. There was one problem, H still wasn't dressed in the clothes for the video! Performing a miracle in speed dressing H entered his dressing room and mere seconds later came back out fully dressed in black shirt and leather trousers.
Hair today, gone tomorrow!
When we say seconds we're not joking. It really could have set a world record! If only Cheryl Baker was there to witness it first hand. She would have been stunned. But if you thought that was fast, we wouldn't have thought the speed at which Claire later got into
Dancers In Make-up
Preparation continues for a
long day of looking fabulous.
her dress was humanly possible if we hadn't witnessed it first hand. In to the dressing room she went, closed the door and emerged again. All those quick changes on tour obviously paid off!

Anyway... back on to the subject. Back down we went to the main studio to find out what all the fuss was about.
Shiny, shiny, shiny!
More close-up action of the metallic
columns filling the studio.
H quickly switched into performance mode and was up on the set working the camera for all it was worth as it ducked and dived, backwards and forwards following him through each walkway and passage. We found that the studio had come to life with production staff buzzing around here there and everywhere. Place one foot in the wrong position at the wrong time and a thick cable was sure to try and trip you up as the team shifted cameras, lights, monitors and sound equipment from
H takes a
one side of the studio to the other. It may be fun and games on set, but there's a serious, more dangerous side kids. Safety helmets please!

When you see the video, the world in which H & Claire are situated appears to be continuous; never-ending. In reality, as in most cases, the set was relatively small in comparison. You can tell from the pictures dotted around this page that
Yay, blue screen!
You see. It's blue. That's why it's
called... Hey, where are you going?
the entire background was blue-screen. This is used when the producers want to use special effects to enhance the visuals. In production after the shoot all of the blue screen is filled in with computer created animation. Basically, once recorded, using the blue-screen the producers can do anything they want.

The crew used tracks for the cameras to ensure
the shots were smooth and not bumpy.

With the video to Half A Heart they took the opportunity to create a maze like world, described as a "giant Rubik's cube". They also pieced each section of the recording together to form the one fluid, seamless video from start to finish. In actuality it took over 12 hours of recording to film the footage for the 3.27 min promo. There you go, you learn something new and amazing every day.

Dance Dance Revolution
The lovely ladies show us their moves.
Six dancers, three female and three male were on hand on the day to perform the complicated routine with the duo (if you have keen eyes you may have spotted Claire's fiancé amongst them).
No, no, no!
"No, it's left leg, right leg, right arm,
left leg. Not, heads, shoulders, knees
and toes. Now, from the top!"
All of the dancers spent the majority of the day doing what they do best.

If by this point you're still wondering what they were doing we would be slightly worried. Whether they were practicing the routines or performing on set, all were professional and full of unlimited energy reserves.
One of the backing dancers posing
as H's hand double in full swing.
Don't give up your day job!
We'll let you into a little secret, if you're easily upset please look away now. The hand that opens the large metal doors in the video... wait for it... it isn't really H's hand. Shock, horror! No, it was one of the dancers slipping into H's role as the man himself was busy preparing for the next scene and was unavailable at the time. Well, if the shirt fits...

Claire swept onto the set in her first stunning ensemble with flowing black skirt. She was incredibly nervous about what she was wearing and what people would think.
Claire discusses her first
scene with the director.
We have to ask the question: why? Claire, you looked beautiful! She stood in the center of the corridor of shining columns. Then came the second biggest surprise of the day. All of a sudden, the ground began to rotate, and Claire with it! Smack bang in the middle of the set was a giant turntable enabling the huge columns to shift in circles. We can't quite put our finger on it, but we're convinced answers to the mystery of Stone Henge are in this story somewhere. The next piece of filming involved plenty of shots on this platform. Solo shots of H, solo shots of Claire, shots of H with dancers, shots of H & Claire together, shots of Claire with danc... OK, you get the idea.

In between filming there were large gaps while pieces of set were rearranged, lighting was perfected and camera angles aligned. It's a complicated procedure that can take a long, long, looooooong time to get just right.
The gorgeous Jackie and Jenny,
H & Claire's make-up artist and hair
stylist aka the 'glam squad',
were on hand all day.
H & Claire helped keep everyone's spirits up by constantly chatting away with undying enthusiasm for their work. There were plenty of familiar faces around, but one you may not recognise is the new dance choreographer Dan. He and the two poplets get on incredibly well, and they all worked together previously in Miami on the DJ video shoot. We should take this opportunity to say that in-between takes we noticed H taking a liking to some of pieces of modern art to be used later in the shoot. Watch out H, we've got our eye on you!

H, choreographer Dan and Claire
Here we see H & Claire on set with
dance choreographer Dan.

Earlier we mentioned the 'second biggest surprise of the day'. If you're at all inquisitive we expect you want to know what THE biggest surprise was, eh? At roughly 6.00 pm a small group of people arrived on set to a large hush from many of the crew. We were quickly informed that in amongst the group was none other than the talented song writing legend Dianne Warren!
Claire, looking positively radiant,
has her make-up touched up.
Dianne has written for countless artists including Celine Dion, Aerosmith, Britney, Whitney Houston, Enrique Iglesias, Christina Aguilera and Ricky Martin to name a small selection. Or in other words, every major artist to walk the earth! She was visiting the shoot to meet H & Claire and get to know them a bit better. Quite why we won't tell you right now, but you can probably guess seeing as the duo have a fantastic album on the way. It was all very exciting.

Claire Sitting
Claire, takes a break from hours of performing in
front of the camera on high heels. No, we
meant Claire was wearing them... Oh, forget it!

Both H and Claire appeared to be having the time of their lives, enjoying every moment and making time for everyone on set. They really appeared to be relaxed within themselves and enjoying their new found artistic freedom. It was great to see the two of them so happy; laughing and joking around with everyone. You know something is going to turn out well when the people behind the project are having a great time working on it. It was good to see the two of them being their usual cheeky, perky-selves. Something that appears to be a trend with them recently.

The camera rolls along the
track to film Claire's solo piece.
At about 7.00 pm, after 10-15 mins off set, H & Claire returned in different outfits. H in a leather jacket and Claire in a (very revealing) lace number. The two of them looked stunning, Claire receiving large amounts of praise from members of the crew and one male dancer in particular! Claire was up first to film the solo scene where she is seated. You might think it was an easy task to sit down and spread out but it was actually an uncomfortable moment for Claire. Believe it or not, she had to remain in the exact same position for over 40 minutes without moving a muscle otherwise it would ruin the setup. Someone was aching the next day we can tell you! Next up was H and his final solo piece of the day.

8.30 pm and it was time for everyone to take a break. Hungry and tired H & Claire and co. had a bite to eat in the studio canteen. Meanwhile we packed our bags ready to make our journey home.
Claire shows us her stuff in
a very revealing outfit. Recognise
this scene from the final video?
It had been a long day, but a good one. H & Claire had really only just begun as they still had roughly 2/3 of the video left to film including the main dance sequence. Whoever said that being a singer was easy was mistaken. To be awake since 7.00 am, work for 13 1/2 hours flat and then go on for another 4 hrs of all out dancing is a tough task. H & Claire however, took it all in their stride, loving the experience and looking forward to completing the rest of their second video.

All in all, an incredibly packed day, eventful and fun. The final video was well worth all the effort, suiting the song and H & Claire perfectly. Utter brilliance from H & Claire, the director, producer and the production team.